How A Strong Brand With Excellent Awareness Can Help You Capture A Larger Share Of The Business.

Thanks to our cooperative advertising fund, every day of every week of every month, thousands of targeted prospects and customers see an effective television, Internet or print advertisement for Sir Speedy. This strong national presence has been developed to support Sir Speedy's brand positioning. Because of the brand awareness that it generates, your local center is able to capture more business.

National Television Advertising
Sir Speedy's national advertising campaign is larger in scope than any other franchise competitor in the industry. Sir Speedy is a long-standing sponsor of innovative programming on CNN and Headline News. Our commercials run on these respected national news services every day. Our message - that Sir Speedy is business' leading provider of printing, copying and document management services - is broadcast and reinforced in the minds of thousands of prospects and customers every day. Because of this exposure, we continue to enjoy the highest brand recognition in the franchise print industry. And that translates into added business for every one of our centers.

Worldwide Center Locator
Sir Speedy also provides an automated center locator service, available at 1-800-SIR-SPEEDY, that puts callers directly in touch with their local Sir Speedy. 1-800-SIR-SPEEDY is prominently displayed in our commercials.

Web Site
Sir Speedy maintains an award-winning Web site that handles thousands of hits and provides an avenue for e-commerce - yet another source for center revenue.

Public Relations
Today, Sir Speedy is taking its national advertising to a new level by retaining a prominent public relations firm. This helps Sir Speedy gain an even greater share of mind among prospects and compounds the effectiveness of all other marketing programs.

Sales And Marketing Materials
Sir Speedy also creates professional marketing and advertising materials that are available to franchisees for use in local and regional campaigns, minimizing the expense for centers to create these materials, while maximizing their impact.

We invite you to find out more about the services that make us the industry leader. Just select a topic from our menu. Or find out more about becoming a Sir Speedy franchisee by clicking on the Next Step below.

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