A Proven Marketing System Backed By 30 Years Of Success.

Sir Speedy has been providing franchisees with the marketing programs and tools that have helped our system grow since 1969.

Besides an extensive national advertising campaign which includes daily national television ads and a prominent Internet Web site, Sir Speedy's proven marketing system provides you with the tools you need to develop your yearly marketing and business plan - the key to planning your future development.

Direct Mail Support
You'll also receive a direct mail campaign - full-color postcards and a monthly full-color newsletter that you can use to effectively target your prospects and customers. The full-color postcards are free and are designed to build awareness in your marketplace. "Basically Business", our award-winning newsletter, helps you foster a better working relationship with your prospects and customers.

Outside Sales Training
Outside sales is key to our success as a network, so we offer some of the best outside sales support in the industry. Our programs include onsite sales training from our National Sales Department, along with two annual Sales Forums and numerous regional training forums for you and your salespeople.

A complete, two-volume manual, "How To Hire, Train And Manage A Salesperson," is also available and includes training materials, electronic files, training videos and numerous tips and techniques for managing your sales effort. These programs are credited for helping Sir Speedy's salespeople regularly outperform industry bench marks for salespeople.

All The Tools To Build A Business
Sir Speedy's marketing program also provides you with sales materials - local television ads, radio commercials, newspaper ads - everything you need to initiate your own local or regional effort. Our national Yellow Pages program can help place your Yellow Pages advertising and provide regular tests to ensure your placement and listings are as effective as possible. And our customized contact management system uses the latest in technology to help you better manage your prospects and customers.

Annual Marketing Programs
Sir Speedy's marketing program is the heart of its annual international convention, where you'll learn about our business strategies and corporate objectives for the coming year. The convention and our other training venues are often cited as our best programs.

Finally, our New Center Marketing Program is one of the best in the industry, helping drive new centers' marketing throughout the first year. Sir Speedy also makes available an optional New Management Marketing Program to existing centers that are sold to new franchisees.

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